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How to Make Sure You Never Get Locked out Again

Just seconds of careless thinking and rushing around can result in you being locked out. Most people have experienced the feeling of dread after the door shut. This not only causes stress but also makes it a big waste of time.

There are ten things you can do to avoid getting locked out of your car, office, or home again.

1. Keep a list of handy phone contacts

Being locked out is stressful, but it can also be time-consuming. So make sure you are prepared. You will save valuable time by having useful contacts on your smartphone, such as your landlord or locksmith.

2. Find A Locksmith Before You Need One

It is always a good idea if you require a locksmith. When you move to a new area, it’s a brilliant idea to contact a professional locksmith. This will ensure that you always have someone you can turn to in an emergency.

3. Use a Key Safe

One of the best ways to make sure you have spare keys safe and sound is by using a key safe. These safes can be used for personal or professional purposes and are especially useful for renting out keys. Electronic lock key safes can be purchased for those who worry about losing their safe keys. They require a unique number code to open. Key safes can be a great investment, especially considering how much time and money they will save you in the long term.

4. Always keep a spare key with you

It is wise to have replacement keys made in order to always have one. It reduces the chance of you losing both sets. This will allow you to use your spare key should you be locked out of your house or car. It is smart to have spare keys for any other keys that can be lost around your house, like those on the desk, windows, and lockers.

5. Make it a habit to check for keys

Research has shown that it takes 21 days before a habit is formed. So get started! You will be less likely to forget your keys in the future by getting into a routine that involves checking that you have your car, house, and work keys ready before you open the front door. This is even if you rush out of the door. It’s a good idea to check your other valuable items, such as your phone, glasses, or credit cards.

6. Replace Faulty Locks

Although it may seem obvious that you are locked out because you don’t have your key handy, many people end up locked out of homes and offices due to the lock breaking or being damaged. Sometimes the issue is not with the key. The lock itself may have suffered from wear over time. It’s easy and affordable to replace the lock before it gets worse.

7. Give a spare Key to Someone You Trust

A trusted relative or neighbor can hold the spare key if you don’t trust them. This is handy for times when you get locked out and also in an emergency situation.

8. You should consider fitting smart locks

Although they may be more expensive, smart locks provide a safe way to keep your home protected without the need for a key. There are many options for smart locks. The most popular ones can be operated by fingerprints, eye scanners, combinations, or combinations. Although they are more costly, smart locks can be beneficial because you don’t have to worry about losing or forgetting your key.

9. Keep a spare key safe

This can help you avoid being locked out. A safe place to store your spare key in your garage, shed, or hidden spot in a birdhouse.

10. Keep Calm and Collected

Keep cool, calm, and collected as you get ready to leave the house or car for work. Failing to do this will increase your chances of losing your keys. We are more likely to forget when performing tasks under stress. This is also true if you find yourself locked out. Keep your eyes open and relaxed, and keep these tips in mind for the next time.

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