For most of the time that cars have been around, they have been started, and their trunks opened with a simple mechanical key. People’s way of getting into their cars has changed a lot in the last 30 years because of better security features.
Even though there may seem to be a lot of options at first, most modern car keys can be put into one of four groups. Even if you’ve lost your original keys, a mobile locksmith can help you get new ones for all of these types.
Mechanical Car Key
One of the more conventional types of vehicle keys listed on this list is mechanically cut car keys. This is the most basic kind of car key used today. It is also known as a traditional automobile key. These keys are often used by older vehicles that lack security encoding. Any metal-cutting machine may be used to make this kind of key.
However, since they are the most basic keys, they are not the most secure. These keys are often made mostly of metal. This means that the key may be replicated in several ways. Standard blank keys may be used to reproduce mechanically cut automotive keys.
Laser Cut Car Key
First used in the 1990s, laser-cut keys were extensively used by luxury automobile makers in order to decrease theft. Laser-cut car keys are often thicker than other kinds of vehicle keys. Laser-cut car keys. The identical laser groove is formed on both sides of a laser-cut car key. This makes it more difficult to duplicate a vehicle key since it permits the key to be put into the ignition in any orientation.
In many laser-cut vehicle keys, the real metal key is connected to a distant area of the key. Because of this, a transponder chip will also be used in this sort of automobile key. As a result of the use of these chips, car makers may add an extra degree of protection.
Transponder Car Key
“Transponder Key” is a general term for any key with a chip inside it. It can be a simple key that doesn’t have a fob or remote, or it can be a “remote head key.”
The chip doesn’t need batteries to work. When used in the ignition, it transmits a code. As long as the code matches the code of the car being started, the car will start.
Depending on your car’s make, model, and year, you may be able to program blank keys on your own. Since you would need to have the key cut, you can have a local locksmith program it at the same time.
Keyless (Smart) car keys
The smart key has become the new norm for the majority of autos. You simply need to carry this key with you. Pushing a button starts the engine. The key is used to lock and unlock the door and to set the alarm, but it is never inserted into a lock. It communicates with the car’s computer through an encrypted infrared beam, and some cars can even lock themselves if you forget and travel too far away.
The disadvantage is that changing these keys may be costly, and you may have to wait for them to arrive from the manufacturer.
Remote keys
These keys are often required for simple operations such as remote unlocking and locking automobiles. To deliver an encoded message to the receiver in the automobile, the security device will either employ an infrared signal or, more often, a radio transmitter. Remote car keys are often battery-operated and contain a button on the key fob that disables the vehicle’s alarm system.
Users will be able to lock or unlock their vehicle key from a safe distance using a remote car key. Unlike smart keys, which can unlock the car without requiring physical touch, a remote key must be placed into the ignition to start the vehicle.
A FOB integrated key, often known as a Fobik, is a key fob that may be used to start a vehicle. It operates by having a one-of-a-kind code that corresponds to the car’s system.
The square form at the fob’s tip distinguishes a Fobik from others. They could have a key hidden somewhere to unlock doors if the Fobik fails. These keys may be changed, but they must be programmed before they can be used.
If you don’t have the original key, you’ll need to get your Fobik programmed and a key cut at a dealer or vehicle repair shop.
Flip Style Remotes
This foldable key is also known as the switchblade key. There is usually a button that may be utilized to retrieve the key. In this instance, the base or shank of the key may retract into the key’s head or fob.
A switchblade key is a key that, similar to a switchblade knife, folds inside itself. Typically, there is a button that will release the key for use.
Valet Key
Valet vehicle keys, as the name implies, are intended for use by valet services. When utilizing these handy services, car owners will be able to give over a customized key with restricted functionality if they have a spare valet key. In the end, this is a safer method for drivers to utilize valet services.
The sole functions of a specialist valet vehicle key are to lock and unlock the doors and start the ignition. A valet key, on the other hand, will not be able to open a closed glove box or trunk. In the event that they are locked out of their vehicle or forget their keys, many drivers have valet keys on hand.
Vats Key
For further security, the VATS key has a resistor integrated into the key blade. The resistor comes in 15 different values and is difficult to duplicate. The disadvantages of these keys include their high cost and the difficulty in obtaining a replacement if they are lost.
Tibbe Key
Tibbe vehicle keys, first introduced in the early 1980s, are a very secure form of key primarily used by Ford and Jaguar. The cylindrical form of this key makes it difficult to reproduce. Standard hardware shops, which often copy keys, will be unable to clone these keys, resulting in their widespread use.
When it comes to replacing a tibbe automobile key, the procedure is twofold. To begin, a new tibbe key must be ordered. The new tibbe key will then need to be programmed into your car by a technician. While this isn’t the most popular auto key on the market today, it is a very safe alternative!
The Bottom Line
A wide range of key types are in use. Basic mechanical options are still widely available, but newer vehicles come equipped with increased security systems. A good automotive locksmith must stay on top of the whole industry and its ever-changing trends.
Easy Keys London can help you with that. No matter where you are in North West London or what kind of key difficulty you are experiencing, our automotive locksmith staff is here to help you get back on the road as soon as possible.